Virgo Zodiac Besom

By Full of Intention .

Virgo Zodiac Besom

By Full of Intention 5 followers

The Virgo besom is a tribute to the meticulous and nurturing spirit of Virgo.

Physical Products

Price: $25.00

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Product Details

The Virgo besom is a tribute to the meticulous and nurturing spirit of Virgo. With its earth-toned fibers and natural elements, it embodies purity and dedication. The Virgo charm, combined with a soothing green crystal, amplifies healing and growth. Adorned with delicate white flowers and natural twine, this besom not only purifies but also brings a sense of order and calm. The infusion of cinnamon enhances its protective and cleansing properties, making it a perfect tool for meticulous Virgos.

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