Butter Brat Bhríde

By Scian Hayes .

Butter Brat Bhríde

By Scian Hayes 0 followers

Protection amulet blessed by Brigid following irish tradition

Physical Products

Price: $29.00

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Brigid once was set the impossible task of providing many times as much butter as she had been given milk to churn. But she went on forward and churned what she had knowing it would not be enough. When the churning was done and the butter collected she found she had somehow in one churning made the great and impossible quantity of butter that she had been asked to provide. It is also said if she passes by or visits while you are making butter the quantity of butter made will be multiplied for you many times.

A Brat Bhríde is an Irish tradition of leaving a cloth, ribbon, shawl, scarf, or other similar item left out on the eve of Saint Brigid's day/ Imbolc then collected again before sunrise on the day. Birgid comes by in the night to bless the Brat Bhríde with healing and protection. These were all left out by me on the 1500th Saint Brigid's day since her death. You could use it to start the yearly tradition in your own home next year! Any little bits of moss or dirt are because I tied them to a tree in the rain.

This Brat Bhríde is 15 inches long by 1 inch wide. The perfect size for tying to a thin tree branch.

Hand woven with wool and wool blend yarn sourced from a repurposed art supply store

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