Charm Reading

By Ms. May's Reading Room .

Charm Reading

By Ms. May's Reading Room 0 followers

Best used for insight into the next month at most. Charms work to give detailed understanding to the inquirer, helping to bring a focused message or goal to the forefront.


Price: $35.00

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Product Details

Upon purchase, the practitioner, with the assistant requested, will cleanse the charms box with sage and pull charms from the box with a spoon.
Each charm will have a description and will be listed in a document for the client. All questions are welcome(provided they are appropriate for the practitioner/client relationship). Ex: Yes or No, What to look forward to, etc.
The document will be completed within a 5 day period and sent to the client's provided email address.

What Do I Get?

Typed document with a detailed description of each charm.
Answer to ONE question.
Four attached pictures of your reading in progress.

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