Courage Spell Jar

By Witch's Cauldron .

Courage Spell Jar

By Witch's Cauldron 1 followers

Strengthen your heart to face your fears.

Physical Products

Price: $35.00

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Product Details

A spell jar meant to bring courage to your trembling heart. You’ll be able to face the things frightening you even if your still scared.

Bravery in the face of adversary is the best magic of all. Made with my own personal witch cabinet of hand pressed oils, ethically sourced crystals, and organic herbs. This spell jar is sure to make you courageous as a lion!

The frequency this is attuned with is 963Hz

Sold as a curio and entertainment item. There is no guarantee that you will achive the exact outcome you seek.

Also, make sure you do not use this item as a replacement for medical health and mental health. Please consult a physician or therapist if you are suffering from any physical or emotional pain.

Reach out to community resources if you are in a dire situation. Have a blessed day!

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Straight from the source: Witch's Cauldron.

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