Valentine's Stream Overlay | Pink coquette

By Blushuuart .

Valentine's Stream Overlay | Pink coquette

By Blushuuart 0 followers

Perfect for your stream filled with love and bows! <3


Price: $12.50

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Product Details

Cute coquette valentines graphics set to dimensions 1920x1080 to perfectly fit your stream

This overlay set comes with:
-Transition gif
-starting soon looping video
-stream ending looping video
-be right back looping video

  • stream offline looping video
    -chat box panel
    -camera box panel
    -gameplay box panel
  • 3 blank panels for whatever you choose
  • 3 different background options
  • 4 preset overlay screens with locked in panels
  • 7 individual graphics used in the design for ultimate customization
  • graphic with colors and their corresponding color codes

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