Protection Spell Jar

By Finesse Sorceress ~ Spiritual Practitioner .

Protection Spell Jar

By Finesse Sorceress ~ Spiritual Practitioner 0 followers

A pre-spelled jar crafted to spiritually protect you against negative energy, evil eye, and ill-intent.

Physical Products

Price: $25.00

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Product Details

Spelled and crafted by Finesse Sorceress, for your highest good only.

This protection spell jar is crafted to banish negative energy and evil eye, cleanse your spirit/energy/space, and protect against malice and ill-intentions from other people. This is meant for spiritual purposes ONLY, and does not protect against physical harm. There will be a variety of herbs, crystals, and spell oils that correspond to spiritual banishing, cleansing, and protection included inside the spell jar. A generic petition with affirmations/intentions related to spiritual protection will be included inside the spell jar. You can also request a custom petition when ordering. The spell jar's contents may vary due to availability of ingredients and supplies.

Spell jars can be expected to be crafted and shipped within 5-10 business days after date of purchase. Shipping times may vary.

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Straight from the source: Finesse Sorceress ~ Spiritual Practitioner.

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