Uniquely Inspired Monthly Subscription Tier 2

By Tech Witch Niki's Store .

Uniquely Inspired Monthly Subscription Tier 2

By Tech Witch Niki's Store 0 followers

You will receive 2 in-depth readings with Energy Healing per month. You also get all of the perks in the first Tier. The cost for Tier 2 is $133 per month.


Price: $133.00 / month

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Product Details

2 sessions of Tarot and Oracle Readings-Completely Personal to You!
Energy Healing tailored to Your Needs!
You get to learn and grow no matter how your schedule looks!
Intentionally Connect to your Spiritual Team on a Monthly Basis!
Got a burning question? I am just a message or email away. I can help with dream interpretations, basic questions on rituals, protections, signs and synchronicities, spell ideas and so much more!
Additional Perk for being a subscriber: Special Monthly Flow State Session!
This session is designed to aid you in many ways. I will lead a short guided meditation while channeling energies to help you get into a flow state. Then I will go silent, while still channeling energies to aid you. You will have support to complete your projects, journal, paint, color, draw, or even do chores! There is no limit to how you can utilize the energies I will be flowing to you. As we get close to the hour mark, I will gently close out the session. This way I don’t interrupt your Flow State.
Need a Body Double to help with Executive Function? This session can help!
Want to connect to your Spiritual Team to get Creative in any way? This session can help!
Want to connect to your Intuition in a more flowy and clear way? This session can help!
We can even remove blockages and resistances within this session. All depends on what you and your Soul want to happen.
Images, Sensations, Insights and more have occurred for my Clients during this type of session! Connect in a deeper way to your own Unique Spiritual Skills!

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