Light Energizing Orange Homemade Bath Bar

By Oma&Grands Creations .

Light Energizing Orange Homemade Bath Bar

By Oma&Grands Creations 4 followers

Homemade Light Energizing Orange Bath Bar

Physical Products

Price: $10.99

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Product Details

Luxury cold process soap. Light energizing orange scent to invigorate the mind and calm the soul topped with Calendula and chamomile.
Water, coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, rice bran oil, sodium hydroxide(hardening agent, dissipates in process), palm kernel oil, castor oil, apricot oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, dried calendula and dried chamomile
$6.99 + $4. S&H

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Straight from the source: Oma&Grands Creations .

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